Tungsten copper
nose cone at the front of a rocket or missile, when it enters the atmosphere at
supersonic speed, will have a strong head detached bow shock. It can protect
the payload and endure the large temperature difference and high-speed particle
erosion at the same time.
A rocket includes
a high thin cylinder, made by sheet metal. The cylinder stores the rocket
engine's fuel and refueling tank inside, and rocket propulsion engine is
provided at the bottom of the cylinder. In the upper part of the cylinder is
fitted with a hollow cone streamlined, connected to the base of the cone
cylinder, cone tip upwards. This shape of the cone of the rocket exposed to air
cross section of minimum cross-sectional area is reduced to reduce the energy
required for rocket discharging air consumption. Generally, the payload of
manned spacecraft is placed in the top of the rocket nose cone. It is called as
payload fairing cone in space technology, which plays an important role in
protecting the payload after rocket ignition and prevent the rocket from
destroyed by the enhanced wind of rocket accelerating.
The ablation mainly
includes thermal chemical ablation and mechanical erosion. Ablative heat
characteristic is the use of short, tungsten, copper nose cone is a typical
heat sink material, which is adjusted by the material properties of its own, is
evaporated and turned away most of the copper in the heat, so it can keep the
allowed temperature inside the craft. In addition, the ablation mechanism can
be divided into sublimation, melting and charring, which has a cross-phase
relationship of the triple point, at high temperature and pressure, carbon
homogeneous melting and evaporation occurs interaction phenomenon exceeds the
triple point.