The researchers use two kinds of spray gun (internal and external
powder feed) to observe the structure and properties of tungsten copper heat
sink. It can be found that in the internal powder feeding conditions, W content
of tungsten copper composite material is higher than the content of external
powder feed. This is due to internal feed powder is powder being ejected before
the gun are all located in the plasma flame, part of the W particle is melted,
melted and un-melted W particles, and the molten copper solution together is
sprayed into the substrate, so that easy obtain raw material powder composition
approximating tungsten copper composite material; while in the process of
external powder feed, he trajectory of the powder particles are not entirely
consistent with the plasma flame, which can only make a fraction of smaller
particle size of the W particles melt, and a lot without melting of W particles
are difficult to be deposited, so the W collected rate decrease.
Tungsten copper alloy combines tungsten and copper, which owns heat resistant, high density, low thermal expansivity and high electrical conductivity.
Tungsten Copper Heat Sink Plasma Spraying (2/2)
Tungsten Copper Heat Sink Plasma Spraying
With the rapid development of science and technology, integrated
in the microelectronics industry sectors related electronic products have
become more sophisticated, the corresponding energy consumption also increased.
So it places higher demands on heat sink properties, which not only required
high density and strength, but also has excellent electrical conductivity,
thermal conductivity and low coefficient of thermal expansion. Tungsten copper
is composed of W with high hardness, high density, high strength, high melting
point and low coefficient of thermal expansion and Cu with perfect electrical
and thermal conductivity so that it can be an ideal material for heat sink.
Furthermore, the properties of tungsten copper heat sink can be improved by the
adjustment of W and Cu content.
Since there is a great difference in physical and chemical
properties between W and Cu, which has 2000℃ difference in melting
point. Both of them do not form a compound or solution, so it is a kind of
typical pseudo alloy. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve by common pressed
and sintered, the infiltration is the best way. But infiltration is easy to
form pores certain deficiencies and to bring some difficulties to the
subsequent processing. Plasma spraying is a strengthening of the material
surface and surface-modified new multi-purpose precision spraying techniques.
It uses plasma arc drove by DC as the heat source and has the following
1. Ultra-high temperature characteristics, suitable for spraying
refractory material;
2. High particle injection rate, the coating is dense and has
higher bonding strength;
3. In the process of spraying, inert gas used as the shielding gas
so that the coating material difficult to be oxidized.
Tungsten Copper Heat Sink Material Hermeticity (2/2)
Merely rely on raising the temperature of the tungsten blanks
shrink to increase the density, which is difficult to control precisely. Such
as the deviation of heat matching, it is the major influencing factor of
conventional infiltration hermeticity. Some researchers try to ultrafine
tungsten powder added to certain activators, such as nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co),
iron (Fe), etc., and then mixed with copper powder. After pressing and
activated sintering, the relative density of tungsten copper can reach 98 % or
more, which can be a good solution to tungsten copper heat sink material hermeticity
issue. But it added activator of Ni, Co, Fe and other elements will be Cu and
W-phase and phase mutually dissolved, and magnetic Fe, Cu content changes will
directly affect the conductivity and the thermal conductivity of the material,
so not suitable in the heat sink industry applications.
Therefore, on this basis, the researchers conducted a process
optimization, the tungsten powder mixed with a small amount of copper powder,
copper powder can effectively preserve this part of the green bodies connected
pores, when carried out at high temperature and pressure infiltration of liquid
copper can be fully effective filled tungsten skeleton.
section is also known as copper induction of copper, its main role lies in two
main aspects, one is to enhance the strength of tungsten blanks, and the other
is infiltration process hermeticity guarantee.
Tungsten Copper Heat Sink Material Hermeticity
Based on high density, high strength, excellent chemical stability
and arc ablation resistance, tungsten copper material also has perfect thermal
and electrical conductivity, which can be widely used in EDM electrodes,
electrical contacts, military industry and heat sink materials. However, tungsten
copper electrodes and contacts used for electrical machining has different
requirements of properties with tungsten copper used in heat sink. As heat sink
materials, tungsten copper not only be supposed to have excellent thermal
conductivity, but also should have excellent hermeticity to ensure the equipment
working stability. Since any porosity and leakage will lead to the operation
failure of the microwave component.
Tungsten Copper Sheet Properties
Tungsten copper sheet properties refer to phase analysis, micro-structure observation
and other properties detection. The phase analysis can be specifically divided
into DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis), XRD phase analysis (X-ray
Diffraction), component test and so on. DTA uses differential thermal analyzer,
the principle is to compare by not undergo any chemical reactions and physical
changes at a certain temperature stable substance as a reference with an equal
amount of measured (tungsten copper sheet) in the same environment under
constant variable temperature conditions. Any physical and chemical changes on
the measured and it is located in the same environment as compared to the
standard temperature will be a temporary increase or decrease. The XRD phase
analysis uses copper K radiation target, adjust current, voltage, and scanning
rate, the measured characteristic X lines of tungsten copper sheet specimen
major constituent phases.
Nano Tungsten Copper Electrode Research
granularity and uniformity of tungsten and copper powder has an effect on
tungsten copper electrode sintering, and the decreasing granularity will
improve the comprehensive properties of materials, such as the density, the
hardness, the electric and thermal conductivity. Theoretically, powder
metallurgy (PM) uses metal powder (or metallic oxide powder) as raw materials,
after compacting and sintering, the granularity of powder is coarser. Compared
with PM, nano tungsten copper has higher surface energy, which atoms move by
higher interfacial energy, shrink the small pores in sintering process and in
case of the diffusion of pores. Therefore, nano tungsten copper research is
beneficial for the densification at lower temperature.
the process of nano tungsten copper is similar to the traditional PM, which can
be divided into preparation, compacting and sintering, due to the
characteristic of nano particle, there are some differences between them.
Overall, the most widely used process of nano tungsten copper main are Sol-Gel
method, Metal Alloying (MA), Mechano-Thermo-chemical Process, spray drying and
so on.
Alloying (MA), uses high energy ball milling for tungsten copper mixed powder
grinding, achieves the nano powder (the granularity is about 20nm-30nm). Then
compacts the blank by the nano powder and sintering in hydrogen atmosphere at
1000℃, nano tungsten copper
with high related density can be achieved.
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